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Other Metals Love2Have Make Our Jewellery From

Jewellery UK

The BEST! Series of articles on jewellery in the UK. A website that sells designer jewellery would not be an actual designer jewellery site without selling precious metal jewellery too. While titanium is our speciality, we have also gone to great lengths to provide our customers with ranges of gold and silver pieces too.

All the jewellery is made here in the UK by small independents, and we have hand chosen the collections by contacting the jewellers and visiting trade shows. We think we have an excellent diverse range especially suited to those with a contemporary taste but not too 'art gallery' in style as to put off those looking for something that you can wear all the time.

The articles below give a brief insight to each of the sections on our site together with information on how to look after and care for your sterling silver jewellery.

The BEST! Jewellery articles and information online. Jewellery is a huge industry and therefore a massive subject in itself. There is so much information about and far too much for just for one single website to collate together, but we have done our best to provide as much as possible. In this articles section, we have split the subject of jewellery into several categories. You will find plenty of information on its history, the purchasing of, and other useful facts.