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Can Titanium Rings Be Resized? The BEST Information & Advice EVER

British made titanium rings

This guide is for all our customers who need to know about our plain wedding rings made from titanium and resizing information, so this is the BEST information & advice EVER written primarily for you. We offer all our customers the option to re-size their titanium wedding rings they buy from us where ever possible. However, this is not always possible for all the rings, which includes engraved, wood, silver or gold inlaid, and the titanium diamond set wedding rings or titanium engagement rings. For these type of rings, we are happy to consider them on an individual enquiry by examination basis, and we always offer to help you out in some way, shape or form. Additionally, we also provide all our customers with after-sales service, unlike shops that sell titanium rings shipped from abroad. We can refinish and even resize your rings at a later date if possible.

So can a titanium ring be re-sized?

The internet abounds with discussions on forums and viewpoints on titanium and its mythological status as a super metal. The most confusing issue many people are concerned about is the resizing or even removal of a titanium ring should it get stuck on your finger. In this article, we will clarify these various concerns that are raised and dispel a few of the untruths currently circulating.

What is this about titanium and its tensile strength?

Firstly titanium is not a hard metal contrary to common belief. However, what we need to consider about titanium is its tensile strength. To explain what tensile strength is, first think of a diamond. While it is sturdy and scratch-resistant, if for some freaky reason you managed to come across a 3-foot rod of diamond it would snap quite easily when forced. Titanium would, in fact, behave oppositely. It is impossible to bend a rod of titanium, but it would indeed scratch. Materials that have low tensile strength are papers for example. Titanium, however, does come in different grades and we will move onto this subject a little later on in this article. One such class of titanium is made up of various materials including aluminium. Known as aircraft-grade five, titanium is, in fact, an alloy. Aircraft-grade titanium has the highest tensile strength, while titanium in its purest form has a lower tensile strength.

Can only a specialist jeweller re-size a titanium ring?

As far as removing titanium rings goes, they most definitely can be but with the correct tools. However, the removing and resizing of titanium rings are entirely different procedures, and various factors need considering. Jewellers in our high streets often refuse to resize titanium rings as more often than not the rings have been shipped in from abroad, and they just don't have the resources to re-size these rings so if you are outside the returns policy you have no other choice but to buy another ring. At Love2Have quite the reverse is true, in fact, we can help you outright from the start even before you buy your ring. Sometimes customers ask if a ring can be re-sized before they buy from us - it is not an odd request as we all gain or lose weight in our lifetime which therefore affects your finger size.

So now we know titanium can be re-sized what else?

With the titanium rings on Love2Have resizing is possible with most of the wedding rings within one to two sizes. These titanium rings are made from grade two titanium and can be stretched and compressed. Precious metal inlaid rings are a little less flexible, but in the past, we have skimmed out the inner edge to create a larger size. If you were to stretch these rings, the inlay would possibly split but compressing it is usually OK for about one size. Rings with patterning and engravings on the outer edge can be a little more problematic also as while compressing; the pattern may damage. The most tricky rings to re-size are the diamond set rings. For any diamond set ring whether made from gold or titanium, the stone would dislodge. Even more tricky are our tension set titanium rings made of grade 5 titanium. We use grade 5 titanium for setting diamonds as the stone won't fall out under everyday wear and tear. Unfortunately, as this type of titanium is so tough resizing is not an option.

So what about your mens wedding rings, Gothic wedding rings and the other zirconium rings on your site?

Zirconium can't be re-sized as it cracks if stretched but it can be internally skimmed to go up a size maybe. However, this does decrease the wall thickness of your ring. We recommend avoiding any problems what so ever please try our professional ring sizing service. It is always best to plan and get it right first time.

Additional reading

Ti2 Titanium! The TRUTH The Whole TRUTH & Nothing But The TRUTH
